Ax throwing-It’s exactly what it sounds like; hurling sharp metal at wood. How can something so simple be so much fun? There is nothing quite like the “axe-citement” and adrenaline you receive from throwing a whirling a weapon at a wooden target with all your body weight. There is truly nothing else like it. Anyone and everyone who can safely lift 1.5 pounds over their head needs to try this sport at least once in their life, and here’s why:

1. It Evens the Playing Field                                                                                                                                                           You do not have to be the fastest, biggest, or strongest person in the range to be the best at throwing an ax. Ax throwing is all about timing and technique. If you shift your weight from one foot to the other and hold your fists at your eyebrows, then you CAN nail a bullseye. It’s all about momentum! By generating potential energy, by leaning back and bringing the ax over your head, you can create kinetic energy by leaning forward and bringing your fists to your forehead. Leaning into the throw with your body weight is what generates the ax’s momentum. Everyone has an equal shot at this. Ax throwing is accessible and achievable by anyone with any body shape or size.

2. It Gets You on Your Feet and Off Your Phone                                                                                                                          You can’t throw an ax with a cell phone in your hands. Get off that screen, and let’s get physical. Interact with your environment instead of with your screen. You don’t want to be distracted while there is sharp metal flying around. Ax throwing isn’t just a work out for your body, it also helps make you more alert and focused. The more intention you put behind your throw, the better you’ll do. Do you really need an excuse to put your phone down for a little while?…I didn’t think so.

3. It Uses Your Muscles                                                                                                                                                                  There’s nothing like a workout where you don’t even realize you’re working out. Throw enough axes in a row, and you will feel it the next day. Ax throwing is a fun and safe way to get some exercise and engage those core and shoulder muscles. Dawn your flannel and plaid, grab some friends, and tone those abs!

4. It Gets Your Blood Pumping                                                                                                                                                       Not only  is ax throwing a good way to engage your muscles, but it also gets your heart pumping with a little adrenaline. Look for a new way to get a rush? Just wait until you hear the sound the ax makes when it slams against the target! You dopamine levels are sure to increase when you hit that bullseye. Ax throwing just makes you feel good. It’s empowering. If one is not enough, you will truly feel like a Lumberlord or Lumberlady when you throw 2 axes at once. Talk about a confidence booster.

5. It’s a Great Way to Bond                                                                                                                                                             Tired of the same old dinner and a movie? Give ax throwing a shot for your next friends outing or date night. Learning a new skill, or refining an old one, is a great opportunity for friends to support and encourage one another. If you’re looking for something a bit edgier-pun intended- try getting a little competitive. From team games to tournaments, there is never a dull      – see what I did there?-  moment when you are among friends.

What are you waiting for? Grab some friends and come out to Axe Throwing Tampa to give ax throwing a shot. You’ll have a good time, get some exercise, make some memories, and make make some new friends too. Ax throwing is fun for everyone.